Thoughts of India’s power minister on Solar roof top
Following are excerpts of an interview given by Mr. Piyush Goyal, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy, India.
You were just mentioning roof-top solar in the context of net metering. Why not make roof-top solar mandatory for multi-storied buildings while giving them plan approval?
I don’t believe in anything compulsory. I believe that we should encourage things voluntarily and make it so attractive that people like to do it.
Ok, let me rephrase my question. Why not incentivise domestic consumers to take the roof-top route?
See, the sad part is that India has always been a subsidy and incentives-focussed country. We’re trying to change that mindset to make it attractive and economically viable for people to get into modern technology. For instance, the LED project used to be subsidy-driven earlier but what did India achieve? Barely 0.1 per cent of the world market. The entire Indian market was measly and therefore very expensive. For my own home I had to buy LEDs paying ?700-800 a bulb not so long ago. Today, because of the massive rollout and with technological innovations and transparent procurement through e-bidding, we’ve been able to bring down the price to barely 20 per cent of the original price. So, effectively people have got an 80 per cent subsidy through cost savings!
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So, what would be comparative model for roof-top solar?
We’re looking at a fairly large-scale rollout of 40,000 MW of rooftop solar and I’m confident that with this large scale, costs will also come down. And as we roll out smart meters alongside, allowing time-of-day metering and net metering, the attractiveness of rooftop solar will be high, particularly for high consumption consumers such as industrial establishments and businesses whose tariffs are also higher. Domestic consumers may take some time given that their tariffs are still quite low.
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