Lead Yourself Before Blaming Scientists for Not Solving Global Warming

Lead Yourself Before Blaming Scientists for Not Solving Global Warming

Everyone is quick to point fingers. We’re less quick to take responsibility, but that’s what leaders do.

Leaders take responsibility. We know the futility of blaming others, however much we indulge in doing so.

We can’t change the past. We can, however, act in the present.

A leadership and business perspective can help a lot in climate change, and I don’t mean by promoting technical innovation.

Twice in the past two days, and many times in past months and years, have I heard people fault scientists for things like

  • Publicizing their findings ineffectively
  • Not publicizing their findings enough
  • Sharing data but not influencing
  • Not making their data useful or meaningful

and so on in the context of global warming.

Anyone who says such things misses that once scientists publish their results, anyone–you, me, anyone–can use the results to work on global warming.

Because they created the data doesn’t mean they are the only ones who can understand it, use it, interpret it, or do anything with it. Read more…

Lead Yourself Before Blaming Scientists for Not Solving Global Warming

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