Solar power fastest growing new energy source in India: Mercom

Solar power fastest growing new energy source in India: Mercom

Mercom Capital Group , a global clean energy communications and research firm estimates solar installations in India to total 5 GW in 2016.

Cumulative solar installations in India crossed the 7.5 GW mark in May 2016. About 2.2 GW new capacity has been installed so far this year and it is more than total solar capacity installed in 2015. India’s solar project pipeline has now surpassed 22 GW with 13 GW under construction and 9 GW in the request for proposal process.

“The Indian solar market is growing in size but the question is: is it too much too fast, since infrastructure and systems have not kept pace with auction announcements. For the sector to move from 2 GW to a 10 GW a year market, work still needs to be done,” commented Raj Prabhu , CEO and Co-Founder of Mercom Capital Group. Read More…

Solar power fastest growing new energy source in India: Mercom

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